Become Certified in PSIRA Grades E-A in 2-4 Weeks

Get PSIRA Certified -
Quickly & Easily!

Are you interested in becoming certified in the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) grades? With the right training and instruction, you can easily learn PSIRA Grades E to A in 2-4 weeks. This guide offers an overview of the different grades available and how to attain them within the time frame given. Discover the skills you need to secure and protect private businesses and learn how to effectively protect the lives and property of individuals.

Grades E, D & C

This text outlines three courses (Grades E, D, and C) available through PSIRA. Grade E is a 1-week course that introduces new training officers to the Private Security Industry and provides information about upholding the law. Grade D is also a 1-week course that trains security officers on how to conduct Access Control at the entrance point. Grade C is a 1-week course that teaches security officers how to protect classified information and how to handle emergency situations professionally.

3-Weeks / R1600

Grades E, D, C & B

This text outlines the courses and durations of PSIRA grades E to B. Grade E (Patrol Officer) covers what is expected of training officers and how to uphold the law, Grade D (Access Control) covers how to conduct Access Control, Grade C (Protection Of Information Officer) covers how to protect classified information and how to handle emergency situations professionally, and Grade B (Supervision) covers how to improve supervision and how to conduct on-job training.

4-Weeks / R2400

Grades B & A

This text describes two PSIRA courses - Grade B (Supervision) and Grade A (Management) - each lasting one-week. The Grade B course is designed to improve the level of supervision, while the Grade A course teaches security officers how to manage a site and gather evidence during incidents. The course also emphasizes the importance of professional interaction on-site.

2-Weeks / R2000

Grade B

This one-week PSIRA course will enhance the level of supervision for officers to an advanced level. Participants will be provided with the necessary understanding of supervisory principles as well as how to apply them in the course of on-the-job training.

1-Week / R1000

Grade A

This one-week course educates security personnel on the basics of effective management for sites and outlines how to accumulate evidence and details during emergency scenarios. The program also accentuates the significance of proficiently implemented on-site communication and the advantage it provides.

1-Week / r1200


At G627 Tactical Group Training Academy, not only do we offer PSIRA-certified courses for grades E-A, but we also guarantee a commitment to ongoing training, assessment, and vigilance to ensure the best security measures are always upheld.

Variable Duration & Cost
Portrait of a confident masked young security guard on duty at the front desk of an office
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